When it comes to recycling PET

OBSESSIVE is the only way

Let’s talk about packaging

The world is accustomed to perfect, crystal-clear plastic bottles. Packaging perfection is a major challenge, even with virgin material. With recycled materials, the challenges grow exponentially.

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We measure quality in parts per billion

Post-consumer plastic arrives at Ecoibéria in massive bales intermixed with dirt, debris, and unrecyclable materials—aka trash. At the end of our recycling process, contamination registers in parts per billion. Reaching and maintaining that level of quality is critical to our customers and their products.

Along the transformation process chain, our major checkpoints include:
Bale characterization
Color separation
Metal removal
Polymer decontamination
Rigorous washing




Working as part of the solution is an honor. I'm blessed for loving my job. My goal is to impart this feeling to my team, here at the Quality Lab.

Liliana Pereira, Quality Lab Manager

How we do it

How we do it

100% Recycled
We use only post-consumer PET bottles. Ecoibéria rPETs are not blended with any virgin PET or resins.
Stringent sorting
We use automated optical and mechanical sorters plus hands-on expertise to separate bulk plastic materials into color- and composition-consistent streams.
Rigorous washing & debris separation
Label materials, trace metals, and debris are the enemy of quality recycled plastics. We use a multi-stage process to remove contaminants and deliver finished rPET flakes with minimal foreign materials.
Certified rPET flakes
We sample each Big Bag of bulk rPET flakes—approximately 16 tons—to ensure the materials meet or exceed Recyclass, EuCertPlast standards EN15343:2007 and EN15348:2014 for color, consistency, and purity.
Continuously-verified, 100% traceable, food-grade rPET pellets
Each batch of food grade rPET is continuously monitored and verified using gas chromatography analysis. We record every parameter for every batch and provide a detailed audit trail.
Sustainably & ethically manufactured
Ecoibéria processes meet: ISO 14001:2015; ISO 9001:2015; SC HOTO 132; Recyclass; EuCertPlast.
Ecoibéria recycled PET products

We produce high-grade recycled PET flakes and food-grade, recycled PET pellets. We maintain complete control of materials and the production process from the moment we open a bale until we deliver finished rPET.

Food grade recycled PET

Recycled PET available in flakes and food-grade pellets.

Case Study

Use them to close the loop and manufacture 100% recycled, bottle-to-bottle packaging.

100% Non food grade recycled PET flakes

No virgin PET, no virgin resins, nothing but 100% recycled PET flakes.

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Quality and environment policy

Ecoibéria constantly improves our services to satisfy our customers' needs and expectations. To ensure we meet our objectives, we follow strict environmental and quality policies.

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1- We continuously improve our organization

2 - We follow all legal and environmental regulations

3 - We systematically analyze data from across the company so that we can make objective decisions based on facts

4 - We use energy wisely and minimize production waste so that we can operate sustainably

5 - We streamline procedures to optimize production and resources

6 - We focus on customer and business partner needs, expectations, and satisfaction

100% Certified 

To ensure we meet our internal policies, we certified by: ISO 14001:2015; ISO 9001:2015; SC HOTO 132; Recyclass; EuCertPlast. 


Request a sample 

If you’re ready to see how Ecoibéria food grade and non-food grade recycled PET products perform, just ask. We can ship small samples for analysis or bulk loads for test production runs.

Sample request
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